K-quarantine, individual immunity improvement is important!
K-quarantine, individual immunity improvement is important!
  • 성광일보
  • 승인 2022.04.11 15:21
  • 댓글 0
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- Stem cell therapy and procedures from trauma to degenerative diseases

With the recent increase in the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases and the fourth epidemic, "enhancing immunity" has emerged as the biggest issue.

Viruses attack places with weak immune systems. The power of the coronavirus won’t die down, such as a breakthrough infection even if vaccinated.

In order to prevent infectious diseases caused by viruses with high infectivity and fatality rates, immunity should be increased.

Immunity is an in-body defense system against bacteria or viruses invading from the outside and protects our body from harmful substances.

The basis of K-quarantine is mask (MASK), but more important is 'personal immunity'. The efficacy of "stem cells" in enhancing immunity, which is the core of K quarantine, is drawing attention. Stem cells increase the number of immune cells in the body, helping to balance the body's immune system.

Immunocytes refer to innate immune cells that can kill viruses or abnormal cells infected with cancer cells that have invaded the human body with "NK cells." NK cell activity is important to protect the body from various viruses.

This is because lower levels increase the risk of infection.

NK cell activity tests can check your body's immunity, and the normal section of the test is more than 500pg/ml or more. If a value of less than 100 mg/ml is obtained, NK cells can be strengthened through stem cell treatment with very low activity.

Stem cell regeneration clinic Cellpia explained, "Stem cell procedures enhance the body's original regeneration and immunity by providing a large amount of stem cells and cells such as immune cells, growth factors, white blood cells, and platelets necessary for regeneration."

"The figures show that NK cell activity has increased significantly during intravenous injection of stem cells through immunological tests and blood tests," he said. "NK cells, which play an important role in innate immune systems in stem cells.

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